1. Opening hours
The reading room is open: Monday to Friday from 10u till 17u.
The lending library is open: Monday to Friday from 10u till 12u30 and from 13u till 16u.
Reading Room: beel laag, floor 2 1/2
- the reference library (encyclopaedias, reference works, monographs, dictionaries, catalogues)- magazines
- access to electronic databases (New Grove online, Classic Music Library, catalogi.)
- collected works of composers
! Documents from the reading room can only be consulted on site.
Lending library: toren floor 5
- scores and books (classified by instrument and by subject heading)- cds and dvd’s
! All these documents are available for loan.
On the sixth floor: stock room
- manuscripts, early prints, historical magazines, fragile and damaged documents! These documents are only available by request online en must be consulted in the reading room.
You can search and request documents via the online catalogue. (You can find a manual about the online catalogue here).
2. Contact
Adress: Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerp
Mail the library
Jan Dewilde
+ 32 3 244 18 20
Lending library: + 32 3 244 18 19
Reading room: +32 3 800 01 70
Library staff:
Carla Belis
Nicole Verbruggen
Annemie Verheyen
Fran Verstegen
Heritage staff:
Lien Alaerts
Hannah Aelvoet
Karolien Bosmans
Martijn Vincken
3. Online library services
The library offers its users a number of online services.
Use the online library services to:• check your personal data,
• have an overview of your borrowed documents,
• to extend your borrowed documents,
• request documents from the stock room,
• reserve documents lent by others (only borrowed documents can be reserved),
• to have an overview of your reserved documents,
• to alert you to new acquisitions from the Anet library network via email or RSS or change your acquisition profile
• to ask documents from other libraries via the AP catalogue or Antilope.
Students and staff can use all these services. Other registered users have limited facilities.
Students and staff use their username ( of and password.
Third parties can log in using their card number and date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY).
4. Library regulations
Guidebook academic year 2023-2024 (available in English)Library regulations AP Hogeschool for students (only available in Dutch)
Library regulations AP Hogeschool for (only available in Dutch)